Happy Father’s Day – Ode to the Heroes Among Us…Thank You!
To celebrate Father’s Day this year, we’re giving a shout out to the many heroes among us – the dads who have fought for the lives of their children – or those who have fought for the right to treat...
View ArticleEven Though the DARK ACT was Defeated, GMOs Are Still a Major Health Risk By...
Concerned and health-conscious consumers across the country celebrated this last March with the defeat of the DARK Act, which would have made the labeling of GMO, i.e. genetically modified foods,...
View ArticleLGBT Pride and Medical Cannabis – How the Aids Epidemic Forged the Path to...
“Cancer patients don’t have a coordinated community. AIDS patients, on the other hand, tend to be young, aggressive and tend to have cohesive communities, especially the gay community. I think they...
View ArticleHow Cannabis Can Help Sexual Assault-Related PTSD
In the United States, approximately one in five women have been raped and 50% have experienced some other form of sexually-related assault. In Canada, a woman is raped every minute. Sexual assault can...
View ArticleCannabis and the Cancer Moonshot: Thwarted Science and Puny Politics
There’s a common, disparaging word predictably thrown out by critics and skeptics to describe positive experience with cannabis to self-treat serious illnesses and their symptoms: “anecdata.” The...
View ArticleTHC-A and CBD-A: What are the Benefits?
As much as we might be tempted to speak in terms of competing substances when it comes to the healing properties of marijuana, the truth is that what makes cannabis so remarkable on so many fronts is...
View ArticleTop 8 Health Benefits of Consuming Raw Cannabis
Cannabis is one of the oldest herbs on earth. In fact, people have been using cannabis for over 2,000 years. While you may know that smoking cannabis can provide relief, did you know you could be...
View ArticleTop 5 Benefits of Medical Cannabis Tinctures
Did you know tinctures were once the most popular form of cannabis medicine? In fact, until prohibition began in the late 1930s, cannabis tinctures were available at most pharmacies. Today, tinctures...
View ArticleApoptosis: What is it and what is the role of cannabinoids?
How Cannabis Causes Cancer Cells to Die By now you have probably heard a story or two about how medical cannabis helped heal cancer. This may have even been your experience or the experience of a loved...
View ArticleCannabis: Gateway Drug or Life Preserver?
Critics have claimed for decades that cannabis is a “gateway drug.” Proponents of prohibition argue that using cannabis will lead people to consume cocaine, heroin, or methamphetamine. Yet, no...
View ArticleCannabis and the Cancer Moonshot: Thwarted Science and Puny Politics
There’s a common, disparaging word predictably thrown out by critics and skeptics to describe positive experience with cannabis to self-treat serious illnesses and their symptoms: “anecdata.” The...
View ArticleTHC-A and CBD-A: What are the Benefits?
As much as we might be tempted to speak in terms of competing substances when it comes to the healing properties of marijuana, the truth is that what makes cannabis so remarkable on so many fronts is...
View ArticleTop 8 Health Benefits of Consuming Raw Cannabis
Cannabis is one of the oldest herbs on earth. In fact, people have been using cannabis for over 2,000 years. While you may know that smoking cannabis can provide relief, did you know you could be...
View ArticleTop 5 Benefits of Medical Cannabis Tinctures
Did you know tinctures were once the most popular form of cannabis medicine? In fact, until prohibition began in the late 1930s, cannabis tinctures were available at most pharmacies. Today, tinctures...
View ArticleApoptosis: What is it and what is the role of cannabinoids?
How Cannabis Causes Cancer Cells to Die By now you have probably heard a story or two about how medical cannabis helped heal cancer. This may have even been your experience or the experience of a loved...
View ArticleCannabis: Gateway Drug or Life Preserver?
Critics have claimed for decades that cannabis is a “gateway drug.” Proponents of prohibition argue that using cannabis will lead people to consume cocaine, heroin, or methamphetamine. Yet, no...
View ArticleCannabis and Musculoskeletal Issues: Why It’s a Viable Alternative to...
United Patients Group (UPG) regularly hears from patients that wish they knew earlier that medical cannabis is a treatment option when presented with their other pharmaceutical choices. The problems...
View ArticleCannabis and Acupuncture: Recent research shows that, like cannabis,...
The many alternative healing modalities that together are grouped into the term “Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)” have been in operation in China and other parts of Asia for over 5,000 years. You...
View ArticleCBD Oil For Seizures
CBD is gaining prominence for its therapeutic potential; this cannabis derived compound has shown potential in the treatment of seizures, and neurological disorders among others. A cross sectional...
View ArticleWhat is CBDA? Everything A Patient Needs to Know
In the last decade, cannabis derived phytocannabinoids have managed to create a buzz in the medical arena. The culmination of the dark era of cannabis prohibition has birthed a new and exciting era;...
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